Friday 28 March 2008

onwards and not upwards

So after 2 games and 2 defeats I was sort of hoping to get a bit of luck from somewhere so I decided to try something new and enter a pre season cup. It cost £10,000 to enter but I was lucky enough to get a first round bye, meaning that all I had to do was win my Q Final to get all of my money back and a little more. I was up against another fairly new side in the shape of Toni Mau FC. They were slightly too good for my Penguins, although a last minute consolation goal meant I lost my 2nd game in a row 2-3.

This was followed by another 0-1 friendly loss and I was beginning to wonder where the first win would come from, 0 from 4 isn't even poor form!

Good news would come in the next match I played though, as I started a pre season league (entry for free but also no prize money) with a gritty, battle scarring 1-0 win, hurrah \o/ \o/

My tales of woe at the back were some coming back to haunt me though, as I lost my next pre season league match to Madons Barmy Army 2-3, my 3rd 2-3 loss in 6 games! What was the most annoying aspect of the game was that I had been 2-0 and had bottled it big time in the last 20 minutes :-(

However, revenge was on the way and it was sweet in the return friendly league fixture at my ground! :-)

Thought on the game:
It appears quite a few teams like playing with at least 5 players above the traditional midfield line and they always seem to do well, especially if they are applying pressure and have nothing to lose. Think this is a tactic I will have to adapt to. Another popular formation is the 442 diamond, which I may have to try out as I keep on losing to it lol.

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